Download colours in witchcraft
Download colours in witchcraft

Here's an abridged version of the meeting notes that Bill distributed after the meeting: Since there's no better source than the actual emails, I'll be quoting them liberally throughout this article (in the cases where we need to reserve an idea for the future, the text will be replaced with bracketed italics summarizing it).

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As is always true at the inception of a set, these were exciting times - no suggestion was off limits, no matter how crazy, and at the end of the meeting we had a list of potential directions we could take. The Planar Chaos design team of Bill Rose, Mark Rosewater, Matt Place and myself were sitting in a room, and the first order of business was figuring out what "alternate reality" means to Magic. The color of the next card isn't white, or green, blue, red, or even black, it's…įlash back nineteen months. He's sliding the third card downward to reveal what's underneath, when suddenly he stops, taken aback. His eyes hungrily devour the first few commons, appreciating the art, the ability, the power and toughness before moving on to the next. In a reality not far from the one we live in, a player slowly opens his first pack of Planar Chaos, savoring the anticipation of seeing an entirely new set.

Download colours in witchcraft